21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Cookbook contest!

A collection of recipes put together by moms: you know the recipes will be time efficient and most will appeal to kids! And you're sure to find recipes perfect to impress guests or worthy of a special date night.

We want to publish this wonderful collection of recipes in time for the holidays (what a wonderful gift it will make!), but we need your help to get all the recipes we need. Without further ado, it is time for a contest!
The contest starts on September 1st. and will end on September 30th. There are two levels in this contest:

: The playgroup that submits more recipes, will win an ice cream party OR a bubbles party, YOUR choice. We know the youngest ones won't really care for ice cream, but they do love bubbles! You pick the date, we provide the goods! **When you enter a recipe, be sure to add the name of your playgroup as an ingredient.**

: The top THREE submitters will get a $20 gift certificate to a treats shop: Surfin Spoon, Zen Pops or Island Snowball Co., YOUR choice. Take the family out for a treat, or save it for your next date with your sweetheart!

The best part: EVERY recipe you enter during September counts for you AND for your playgroup! You could get the gift certificate AND the party!

   1. To participate, go to www.typensave.com

Our “group” name: OBXM&M
Our password:     apricot877
   2. Enter as many recipes as you'd like to share! (there is a limit of 50 recipes per person, but if you share that many you're certainly getting a gift!) 

Remember to add the name of your playgroup as one of the ingredients to make sure your recipe counts towards the playgroup contest. All recipes entered by you will count toward the individual contest. 
The contest starts September 1st and ends on September 30th. The winners will be announced on October 10th.

We need more of your recipes to ensure a varied, publishable collection. You can add your favorite recipes from cookbooks and magazines, just make sure you add the source or "adapted from" if you have made minor modifications. And we'd love to have any family recipes or recipes of your own invention you'd like to share.

Remember our cookbooks will be sold to raise money for Mommy & Me outreach and to support our local charities.
Let the contest begin!

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