21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

No Value to Public Opinion ?

"both believe in a governing philosophy that puts following
personal values over bending to public opinion."
(source: Outer Banks Milepost tabloid
(left, Bob Muller(D), right, Bob Woodard(R)) 

Many Outer Bankers have been shouting for years that there has been too little value given to public opinion by local elected officials when it comes to making major decisions in county and municipal government. One historically significant event that offers ample proof to this compliant occurred in 2006, when the Dare County Commissioners imposed a 1% sales tax on residents to help fund beach nourishment, despite public hearings, filled with anti-sentiment, that overflowed out of the building and onto the streets. The public retaliated and voted to repeal the tax. And more recently, in his last official act as the Mayor of Nags Head, a similar incident occurred when Bob Muller railroaded a vote through his board of commissioners to commit the town to forging ahead with a $36 million nourishment project despite an earlier referendum where over 70% of town residents said "No" to the idea. Finally, as recent as last year voters in Kill Devil Hills were infuriated enough over a town council decision to allow a Lowes store to be built that they voted the mayor and one councilman out of office. Councilman Bob Woodard played a major role in that decision process. The above occurrences comprise only a small example of the numerous times that elected officials, and especially county commissioners, have ignored the wishes of their constituents here in Dare County. Whether it was the building of new schools, gigantic office buildings or land use changes, the public spoke and the commissioners would often turn a deaf ear. Now, along comes former Nags Head mayor, Bob Muller, and current Kill Devil Hills councilman, Bob Woodard, asking the county's voters to make them a part of this vitally important process. Each wants to be elected to the District 2 seat on the board of county commissioners (Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills, Colington). Yet, both candidates appear to be speaking the same language we hear from current board members. Dare voters owe it to themselves to read the Outer Banks Milepost interview of these two candidates and ask themselves if it will be "business as usual" within Dare County government, no matter who wins in November. Here is a tantalizing excerpt from that interview: Muller..."other than having a referendum, how do you know what the majority of the public thinks? I’ve been at public hearings that sound very one-sided, but just because you have 30 people in favor of it, in a town with 2000 voters and 3000 residents , that means you have 2000 people you don’t know how they feel..... I always scoff when I hear elected leaders say, “I’m doing this because the people want me to.” I don’t buy it. They’re doing it because that’s what aligns with their values .....in the end, as Bob said, you make those decisions based on your values and what you think is best for the community.  Read the entire interview here: http://outerbanksmilepost.com/mp/?page_id=101
and then, take the Eyeondare Poll, offered in the upper righthand corner of this page.

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