Commissioner Jack Shea |
Does Jack Shea need his head examined? EyeonDare says, "Yes!" Every taxpayer in Dare owes it to themselves to click on the local county website and listen to the video/audio of the October 1st meeting (@ 39:00) and hear Shea's comments. Then listen to the other commissioners' comments.
And, then thank goodness to Commissioner Virginia Tillett for speaking out against such a stupid idea.
According to rumor, a special meeting has been called by county manager, Bobby Outten for Tuesday, October 9th, with some county commissioners, department heads and the county sheriff to discuss the merits of Shea's proposal. Heaven forbid that Dare County would set such a precedent in the State of North Carolina to allow this kind of absurdity! Why is a commissioner or department head's life or welfare more important than a co-worker or private citizen who may be in the building? In fact, have any other county officials expressed interest in this idea? If so, why didn't Shea point this out? Where is the civility of this matter?
If you agree with EyeonDare, please write your commissioners NOW! We know they have done more stupid things in the past. Don't trust them to do the right thing now! It's time to act, otherwise our county buildings could become the Dodge City of Dare County !
To Virginia Tillett, Dare Commissioners, Bobby Outten,
From: | Ray Midgett ( |
Sent: | Fri 10/05/12 8:28 PM |
To: | Virginia Tillett ( |
Cc: | Dare Commissioners (; Bobby Outten (; |
I have just finished listening to the commissioners comments portion of this week's meeting. I was appalled at Jack Shea's proposal on firearms.
Thank you so much for speaking out against this foolish idea. Please continue to do so. There are so many reasons why this is wrong, but the first one that comes to mind is "Why should a county official/supervisor be allowed to protect himself/herself with a concealed firearm in a county building, when any one of his/her fellow employees can't? Is one life more important than another?
Virginia, I worked for 30 years in a profession where people got mad at me almost on a weekly basis, as a revenue officer (15 yrs.) and field auditor (15 yrs) work and testimony put more than one person in jail. I entered jails to serve papers on people, garnished their wages, assisted sheriffs in seizing their property, shut down their businesses, seized their bank accounts, and entered homes and businesses where a lot of people would never want to go. At no time did I ever think I needed a gun to protect myself.
I know we live in a changing world....but please do not let Dare County become the first to do such a stupid thing.. If Jack Shea wants to carry a concealed weapon in the commissioner's meetings,
he needs to stop running for office. Frankly, I think he needs his head examined.
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