Duregger is correct. Our Dare Commissioners dug the taxpayers into a huge hole with exorbitant spending during the recent economic boom when common sense should have told them it would not last forever. The county purchased "Cadillacs" when "Chevrolets" would have been just as good, and in some cases repairs would have been even better. But that's water over the dam and now we have to pay the piper. And, rest assured there will be property tax increases for a lot of Dare County residents next year, and it will come at a time when a lot of them can least afford it.
Do not be misled into thinking the county will settle for a new "revenue neutral" tax rate and all will be OK. First, it's not likely to happen and second, a "revenue neutral" rate is merely an average for all taxpayers, not a guarantee of no tax increase for everyone. And, you can expect year round residents will take the biggest hit, especially those living in the villages on Hatteras Island and the Manteo/mainland.
So, isn't it time the voters replaced two of the county commissioners who were largely responsible for digging Dare County's deficit hole? The fact is, Dare County's undesignated general fund balance now stands at an all-time low and almost one-half of the commissioners' stated goal just before the spending spree. In fact it is right at or just below the lowest percentage recommended by the State of North Carolina.
Commissioner Richard Johnson (R) is facing re-election on November 6th. Few people will disagree that he has long since lost touch with his constituents. And, 16 years on the county board is long enough. Johnson's political ego grew so fast after being elected to his first term that, for 15 years, and every year he was the only commissioner that never missed taking annual junkets to places like Hawaii, Reno, NV, St.Louis, etc. (with his wife) while enjoying personal tours, ballgames and such at taxpayer expense. And is it surprising that not one time in 16 years has Johnson ever made a trip to Washington, DC or Raleigh, NC on behalf of the people of Dare County? Is it surprising that Johnson, like commissioners Mike Johnson and Virginia Tillett is the only commissioner ever known to get caught double-dipping on his travel expense allocation(s)? And, is it simply the end result of being in office for too long? EOD says its time to thank Johnson for the good things he has done for Dare County and forget the bad things and send him on his way.
Commissioner Allen Burrus (D) is also up for re-election. Burrus hit the ground running when he was appointed to replace the deceased commissioner Joseph "Mac" Midgett several years ago. It looked like he had good intentions. However, like Johnson, Burrus has become more egotistic with every meeting, even to the point at one meeting of ranting and telling Dare residents he "didn't care what they thought" about his staying in $600+ rooms while in Washington, DC or dining out at lavish steak houses. Burrus, who also served for several years on the county board of education, is part of the old Dare County political establishment that, frankly, needs a good thump on the wrist. EOD thinks Burrus needs a rest. The people of Dare County simply cannot afford him or Johnson any longer. They cannot afford to pay taxes out the nose, keep up lavish schools and public buildings, pay for unaccountable travel expenses and seafood dinners after every meeting at a time when they have a hard time putting hamburger on their own plates. It's time for a change on our county board of commissioners!
There are three good and able contenders running for Johnson and Burrus' seats. In the opinion of EyeonDare, any two of them will give the people of Dare fresh air and fresh voices, and open the board of commissioners meetings to more transparency and more controlled spending.
Don't forget to vote.
Letter by Richard Duregger: (source: Outer Banks Sentinel)
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