Letter to EyeonDare:
"I can't seem to find out why the Town of Duck seems to be the "Golden Child", (says one EyeonDare reader) " I'm a property owner in Duck, and no one ever seems to question anything in regards to their (the town) budgets, or personnel. I was hoping someone would at least question their current and proposed salaries for employees....just look at the salaries...why are they so far out of line with the other municipalities? They have an Events Coordinator making more than 3 of the town managers here on the beach. The town planner makes $118,000 with benefits. Not bad for a town with approximately 600 full time residents!"
Well, EOD browsed over the town's proposed 100 page, 2012-2013 budget, and has to agree with the above writer. Flipping on down to page #60 we notice that, "yes", the town's public relations/events coordinator is, indeed, listed with a base salary of $73,537 for the next fiscal year. Added to that, the town is also appropriating a 1.5% Cost of living adjustment, a 1.5% Merit adjustment, and a 5% 401K bonus. Added to the above is the emloyee's health insurance (paid by town) of $5,578 and $5,314 (town contribution to employee retirement) and the total budgeted cost for that one position comes to $98,204.
To see more of the town's employee salary base/benefits, click here and go to page #60 and see if you agree the above writer. EOD sure does.
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