What's next? A high-dollar DC lobbyist to fight for funding? Let's hope Judge & Company doesn't re-hire the DC firm of Marlowe & Company again (fool me once) and blow a few more hundred thousand dollars of local taxpayer funds, as they did with their failed attempt to get federal funding for the, long forgotten, Army Corps of Engineers nourishment project for the northern beaches.
Gee Whiz, Commissioners Judge and Burrus, don't you have better things to do than pipe-dream about putting sand on the highest energy beach on the entire east coast? Have you looked at the recent aerial photos of Hatteras Island which shows, clearly, that "sound and sea" are determined to meet, and become "one", in spite of anything you do or any amount of money you spend?
Remains of 4x4 area on Hwy 12, Hatteras Island, today at high tide (Don Bowers Face Book photo) |
Mirlo Beach - Hwy 12 - Rodanthe, NC at high tide today - Nov 16th. (Don Bowers Face Book photo) |
Come on Judge, get back to managing your oceanfront motel. Come on Burrus, get back to running your grocery store. And, please, Mr. Outten, don't waste our tax dollars giving such poor advice to these looney commissioners when you have far too many other important things to do.
Footnote: County Manager Bobby Outten is scheduled to present a timeline for requesting federal funding for beach nourishment in Rodanthe during Monday's (Nov.19) meeting of the Dare Board of Commisioners.
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