While it is not necessary for EyeonDare to endorse any candidates in order to rebut the above editorial, written by the website's editor, Irene Nolan, EOD will do it anyway. Therefore, EOD says ..."It's clear the Island Free Press (IFP) is happy with "politics as usual" in Dare County, unlike most residents on the northern Outer Banks (if we may say so).
Kevin Gray Conner |
In supporting Burrus, the IFP, continues an ongoing, behind the scene, battle between its editor and Burrus' challenger Kevin Gray Conner, who is running as a Write-In candidate, and, apparently giving Burrus a "run-for-his-money". With Conner, Nolan and the IFP takes the stance that, once a man is down and in the mud, you rub his face in it, regardless of how hard he has tried to get himself out. Granted, Conner had some trouble with the North Carolina Real Estate Commission over his license, but he has acknowledged it, taken his medicine and wants to move on, for the benefit of Dare County residents. And, this is more than one can say about Burrus, who doesn't even want to admit that he wastes taxpayer monies by staying in $600+ hotel rooms and eating at expensive steak houses while in Washington, DC, or using his county credit card to pay his personal property taxes, or used his political influence to get family favors during Hurricane Irene, just to name a few.
All EyeonDare can say is, if you want politics as usual in Dare County, vote for Allen Burrus for Commissioner of District 4. If not, cast your vote for Kevin Gray Conner, a newcomer with a promise to represent "all taxpayers" in Dare County.
Bob Woodard |
Sandy Semans Ross |
So, what do you want, Dare voters? Politics as usual, or better and more open government in Dare County? It's up to you. You only get this chance every four years. Make your vote count.
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