Photos taken at Conch Street, Nags Head at 8:00 a.m.this morning. |
In a few days Nags Head residents and Dare County taxpayers will be treated to another glowing report from the coastal scientist who engineered the town's $36 million beach nourishment project.
Most likely, Tim Kana of Coastal Science & Engineering will lip-sync the words we've already heard from the town's manager, Cliff Ogburn and other town officials. "The beach held up fine during Hurricane Sandy," in fact we now have more sand (up near the cottages). EOD says, "Bullcrap!".
Question: Why doesn't Ogburn and Kana offer photos and data to the general public on how the beach is faring on the northern half of the project.. For example, if 50%+ of the sand had gone back into the ocean prior to this year's storms, how much of that 50+ was lost on the northern beaches? 75%?, 80%?
Question: Do the oceanfront property owners who live in the northern half of the project think they got the same deal for their 16 cents tax increase as those who are always so vocal and own property in south Nags Head?
Fact: Nags Head's beach, beginning just north of Jennettes' Pier, all the way to just north of the Nags Head Pier is no better off today, in terms of sand, than it was before the nourishment project. And erosion up there didn't begin with Hurricane Sandy, it started the day the project ended.
Will the oceanfront property owners in north Nags Head vote to spend another $36 million to do the same project over again? Here's betting they won't, because they weren't the ones who wanted the project in the first place, and certainly didn't vote to finance it.
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